Friday 6 April 2012

name: tunku syed iskandar al-qadri
matric no:111434
2.1 Ocular Micrometer
The first reported measurements performed with an optical microscope were undertaken in the late 1600s by the Dutch scientist Antonie van Leeuwenhoek, who used fine grains of sand as a gauge to determine the size of human erythrocytes. Since then, countless approaches have been employed for measuring linear, area, and volume specimen dimensions with the microscope (a practice known as micrometry or morphometrics), and a wide variety of useful techniques have emerged over the past few hundred years. To measure an object seen in a microscope, an ocular micrometer serves as a scale or rule. This is simply a disc of glass upon which equally spaced divisions are etched. The rule may be divided into 50 subdivisions, or more rarely 100 subdivisions. To use the ocular micrometer, it must be calibrate it against a fixed and known ruler, the stage of micrometer. Stage micrometers also come in varying lengths, but most are 2mm long and subdivided into 0.01mm in lengths. Each objective will need to be calibrated independently. To use, simply superimpose the ocular micrometer onto the stage micrometer and note the relationship of the length of the ocular to the stage micrometer. Note that at different magnifications, the stage micrometer changes, but the ocular micrometer is fixed in dimension. In reality, the stage micrometer is also fixed, and what is changing is the power of the magnification of the objective.
Objective :
To measure and count cells using a microscope
Materials and Reagents :

·         Microscope fitted with an ocular micrometer
·         Slide micrometer
·         Stained preparation of yeast and bacteria

Results :1.       Yeast :
Under 40 x 10 magnification.= 2 division x 2.5 µm
= 5 µm
Under 100 x 10 magnification (oil-immersion).= 5 division x 1.0 µm
= 5 µm
2.       Lactobacillus :
Under 40 x 10 magnification.Size of the sample is too small and cannot be seen.Under 100 x 10 magnification (oil-immersion).= 2 division x 1.0 µm
= 2 µm

Discussion :
Micrometry is the measurment of microorganisms. Since microorganisms can be seen only under a microscope, suitable scale for their measurements should be somewhere in the microscope itself. Ocular micrometer is simply a disc of glass upon which are etched lines. When placed in the eye piece, the ruled lines superimpose certain distance markers on the microscope field. However, the scale on ocular micrometer does not have any standard value. We can find out the value of one division of this unknown scale by calibrating it with known scale. Thus actual value of one division of ocular micrometer is found by using another known scale, the stage micrometer.First, look through your microscope's eyepieces and determine whether there is an ocular micrometer in place. Ocular micrometers appear as a scale of parallel black lines similar to lines on a ruler, often with numbers indicating sequential measures of ten lines.Calibrate the ocular micrometer if this has not been done previously. Place a stage micrometer slide on the stage and view it through the eyepieces, making sure that both eyepieces are focused. By rotating the eyepiece containing the ocular micrometer and moving the stage micrometer slide, align the two micrometers.The stage micrometer has divisions of known dimensions; use these dimensions to determine the ocular micrometer dimensions for the objective, or microscope lens, directly over the stage. For example, if each stage micrometer division using a certain objective can be aligned with ten ocular micrometer divisions, then each ocular micrometer division is one-tenth of the known stage micrometer division length. In the example, if each stage micrometer division measures 100 microns, then each ocular micrometer division using the objective measures 10 microns.After calibrating the ocular micrometer for one objective, repeat the procedure for the other microscope objectives for greatest accuracy. Alternatively, the calibration of the other objectives can be calculated from the measured objective calibration; however, this method can lead to error because of variations in exact magnification. For example, a division measuring 10 microns under the 10 times magnification objective would be calculated to measure one micron under the 100 times magnification objective.  Place a slide on the microscope stage. Align the ocular micrometer with the surface of the object on the slide to be measured by rotating the eyepiece containing the micrometer and moving the microscope slide with the object until the micrometer is aligned with the surface. Count the number of micrometer divisions aligned along the surface.
Calculate the surface length by multiplying the number of measured micrometer divisions by the conversion factor determined through ocular micrometer calibration in step one. For example, if each division is one micrometer and the surface measured aligns with 10 divisions, then the surface measurement is 10 micrometers.

2.2 Neubauer Chamber
Louis-Charles Malassez (21 September 1842–1909) was a French anatomist and histologist born in Nevers, department of Nièvre. Malassez is remembered for research involving histology of the blood, and is credited for design of the hemocytometer, a device used to quantitatively measure blood cells. In the field of dentistry, he described residual cells of the epithelial root sheath in the periodontal ligament. These remaining cells are referred to as epithelial cell rests of Malassez (ERM).
The hemocytometer is a device originally designed for the counting of blood cells. It is now also used to count other types of cells as well as other microscopic particles. The hemocytometer was invented by Louis-Charles Malassez and consists of a thick glass microscope slide with a rectangular indentation that creates a chamber. This chamber is engraved with a laser-etched grid of perpendicular lines. The device is carefully crafted so that the area bounded by the lines is known, and the depth of the chamber is also known. It is therefore possible to count the number of cells or particles in a specific volume of fluid, and thereby calculate the concentration of cells in the fluid overall.

Materials and Reagents :

·         Serial dilutions of bacteria cultures
·         Neubauer an coverslip
·         70% ethanol
·         Sterile Pasteur pipettes

Results :

1.       Calculation :
Average of cell :
= (31 + 34 + 35 + 36 + 34 + 35 + 41 + 40 + 35 + 37 ) ÷ 10
= 35.8
Volume of square :
= 0.2 x 0.2 x 0.1
= 4 x 10-3 mm3=4 x 10-6 ml
Number of cell :
= 35.8 ÷ ( 4 x 10-6 )
= 8.95 x 106 cells/ml
Discussion :
To prepare the counting chamber the mirror-like polished surface is carefully cleaned with lens paper. The coverslip is also cleaned. Coverslips for counting chambers are specially made and are thicker than those for conventional microscopy, since they must be heavy enough to overcome the surface tension of a drop of liquid. The coverslip is placed over the counting surface prior to putting on the cell suspension. The suspension is introduced into one of the V-shaped wells with a pasteur or other type of pipet. The area under the coverslip fills by capillary action. Enough liquid should be introduced so that the mirrored surface is just covered. The charged counting chamber is then placed on the microscope stage and the counting grid is brought into focus at low power.
It is essential to be extremely careful with higher power objectives, since the counting chamber is much thicker than a conventional slide. The chamber or an objective lens may be damaged if the user is not not careful. One entire grid on standard hemacytometers with Neubauer rulings can be seen at 40x (4x objective). The main divisions separate the grid into 9 large squares (like a tic-tac-toe grid). Each square has a surface area of one square mm, and the depth of the chamber is 0.1 mm. Thus the entire counting grid lies under a volume of 0.9 mm-cubed.Suspensions should be dilute enough so that the cells or other particles do not overlap each other on the grid, and should be uniformly distributed. To perform the count, determine the magnification needed to recognize the desired cell type. Now systematically count the cells in selected squares so that the total count is 100 cells or so (number of cells needed for a statistically significant count). For large cells this may mean counting the four large corner squares and the middle one. For a dense suspension of small cells you may wish to count the cells in the four 1/25 sq. mm corners plus the middle square in the central square. Always decide on a specific counting patter to avoid bias. For cells that overlap a ruling, count a cell as "in" if it overlaps the top or right ruling, and "out" if it overlaps the bottom or left ruling.
Here is a way to determine a particle count using a Neubauer hemocytometer. Suppose that you conduct a count as described above, and count 187 particles in the five small squares described. Each square has an area of 1/25 mm-squared (that is, 0.04 mm-squared) and depth of 0.1 mm. The total volume in each square is (0.04)x(0.1) = 0.004 mm-cubed. You have five squares with combined volume of 5x(0.004) = 0.02 mm-cubed. Thus you counted 187 particles in a volume of 0.02 mm-cubed, giving you 187/(0.02) = 9350 particles per mm-cubed. There are 1000 cubic millimeters in one cubic centimeter (same as a milliliter), so your particle count is 9,350,000 per ml.Cells are often large enough to require counting over a larger surface area. For example, you might count the total number of cells in the four large corner squares plus the middle combined. Each square has surface area of 1 mm-squared and a depth of 0.1 mm, giving it a volume of 0.1 mm-cubed. Suppose that you counted 125 cells (total) in the five squares. You then have 125 cells per 0.5 mm-cubed, which is 250 cells/mm-cubed. Again, multiply by 1000 to determine cell count per ml (250,000).
Sometimes you will need to dilute a cell suspension to get the cell density low enough for counting. In that case you will need to multiply your final count by the dilution factor. For example, suppose that for counting you had to dilute a suspension of Chlamydomonas 10 fold. Suppose you obtained a final count of 250,000 cells/ml as described above. Then the count in the original (undiluted) suspension is 10 x 250,000 which is 2,500,000 cells/ml.

Conclusion :

As the conclusion, size of the cell can be measure and the number of cell can be count by using a microscope. Size of cell that was viewed under two lens magnification for the ocular micrometer, first magnification is 40 x 10 magnification and the size is 2 divison with length of 5µm, and for 100 x 10 magnification the size is 5 division with length of 5µm also. For number of cell was counted by the Neubauer Chamber, the number of cells that obtained was 8.95 x 106 cells/ml

References :

·         S. Harisha (2006). An Introduction To Practical Biotechnology (First Edition). Publish by Laxmi Publications (P) LTD. 22, Golden House, Daryaganj, New Delhi-110002.
·         P.D. Sharma (2007). Microbiology, 6th Reprint (Second Edition). Publised by Rakesh Kumar Rastogi for Rastogi Publications, Gangotri Shivaji Road, Meerut-250 002, New Delhi, India.
· Created by David R. Caprette, (Rice University 11 May 00 Updated 19 Jan 07



Name : Ahmad Azizul Bin Md Sadik
Matrix No : 114116


2.1 Ocular Micrometer


The first reported measurements performed with an optical microscope were undertaken in the late 1600s by the Dutch scientist Antonie van Leeuwenhoek, who used fine grains of sand as a gauge to determine the size of human erythrocytes. Since then, countless approaches have been employed for measuring linear, area, and volume specimen dimensions with the microscope (a practice known as micrometry or morphometrics), and a wide variety of useful techniques have emerged over the past few hundred years. 

To measure an object seen in a microscope, an ocular micrometer serves as a scale or rule. This is simply a disc of glass upon which equally spaced divisions are etched. The rule may be divided into 50 subdivisions, or more rarely 100 subdivisions. To use the ocular micrometer, it must be calibrate it against a fixed and known ruler, the stage of micrometer. Stage micrometers also come in varying lengths, but most are 2mm long and subdivided into 0.01mm in lengths. Each objective will need to be calibrated independently. To use, simply superimpose the ocular micrometer onto the stage micrometer and note the relationship of the length of the ocular to the stage micrometer. Note that at different magnifications, the stage micrometer changes, but the ocular micrometer is fixed in dimension. In reality, the stage micrometer is also fixed, and what is changing is the power of the magnification of the objective.

Objective :

To measure and count cells using a microscope

Materials and Reagents :

  •        Microscope fitted with an ocular micrometer
  •               Slide micrometer
  •        Stained preparation of yeast and bacteria

Results :
        1.       Yeast :

Under 40 x 10 magnification.

= 2 division x 2.5 µm
= 5 µm

Under 100 x 10 magnification (oil-immersion).

= 5 division x 1.0 µm
= 5 µm

        2.       Lactobacillus :

Under 40 x 10 magnification.

Size of the sample is too small and cannot be seen.

Under 100 x 10 magnification (oil-immersion).

= 2 division x 1.0 µm
= 2 µm

Discussion :

This basic principle is applicable to the measurement of specimens observed in the microscope, but in practice, it is often not possible with a compound microscope to place a ruler in direct contact with the specimen (although this is often done in low-magnification stereomicroscopy). Alternative mechanisms for performing measurements at high magnifications in compound optical microscopy must be employed, and the most common of these is the application of eyepiece reticles in combination with stage micrometers. A majority of measurements made with compound microscopes fall into the size range of 0.2 micrometers to 25 millimeters (the average field diameter of widefield eyepieces). Horizontal distances below 0.2 micrometers are beneath the resolving power of the microscope, and lengths larger than the field of view of a widefield eyepiece are usually (and far more conveniently) measured with a stereomicroscope.

Micrometry is the measurment of microorganisms. Since microorganisms can be seen only under a microscope, suitable scale for their measurements should be somewhere in the microscope itself. Ocular micrometer is simply a disc of glass upon which are etched lines. When placed in the eye piece, the ruled lines superimpose certain distance markers on the microscope field. However, the scale on ocular micrometer does not have any standard value. We can find out the value of one division of this unknown scale by calibrating it with known scale. Thus actual value of one division of ocular micrometer is found by using another known scale, the stage micrometer.

Stage micrometer is simply a microscope glass slide having in its centre a known distance etched into 100 equally spaced division. The distance of each division of stage micrometer  becomes correspondingly enlarged under highpower and oil-immersion objectives of microscope. Therefore, calibrated under different objective lens systems of the microscope. By determining how many divisions of ocular micrometer superimpose a known distance on the stage micrometer in the microscope field. Once calibrated, the ocular micrometer can be used to measure the size of various microorganisms in terms of length, breadth and diameter.

2.2 Neubauer Chamber


Louis-Charles Malassez (21 September 1842–1909) was a French anatomist and histologist born in Nevers, department of Nièvre. Malassez is remembered for research involving histology of the blood, and is credited for design of the hemocytometer, a device used to quantitatively measure blood cells. In the field of dentistry, he described residual cells of the epithelial root sheath in the periodontal ligament. These remaining cells are referred to as epithelial cell rests of Malassez (ERM).

The hemocytometer is a device originally designed for the counting of blood cells. It is now also used to count other types of cells as well as other microscopic particles. The hemocytometer was invented by Louis-Charles Malassez and consists of a thick glass microscope slide with a rectangular indentation that creates a chamber. This chamber is engraved with a laser-etched grid of perpendicular lines. The device is carefully crafted so that the area bounded by the lines is known, and the depth of the chamber is also known. It is therefore possible to count the number of cells or particles in a specific volume of fluid, and thereby calculate the concentration of cells in the fluid overall.


Line Grid of the hemocytometer.

Materials and Reagents :

·         Serial dilutions of bacteria cultures
·         Neubauer an coverslip
·         70% ethanol
Sterile Pasteur pipettes

Results :

Example image of cells from Neubauer Chamber at 100 x 10 magnification (oil-immersion).

        1.       Calculation :

Average of cell :
= (31 + 34 + 35 + 36 + 34 + 35 + 41 + 40 + 35 + 37 ) ÷ 10
= 35.8

Volume of square :
= 0.2 x 0.2 x 0.1
= 4 x 10-3 mm3
=4 x 10-6 ml

Number of cell :
= 35.8 ÷ ( 4 x 10-6 )
        = 8.95 x 106 cells/ml

Discussion :

For microbiology, cell culture, and many applications that require use of suspensions of cells it is necessary to determine cell concentration. One can often determine cell density of a suspension spectrophotometrically, however that form of determination does not allow an assessment of cell viability, nor can one distinguish cell types. To prepare the counting chamber the mirror-like polished surface is carefully cleaned with lens paper. The coverslip is also cleaned. Coverslips for counting chambers are specially made and are thicker than those for conventional microscopy, since they must be heavy enough to overcome the surface tension of a drop of liquid. The coverslip is placed over the counting surface prior to putting on the cell suspension. The suspension is introduced into one of the V-shaped wells with a pasteur or other type of pipet. The area under the coverslip fills by capillary action. Enough liquid should be introduced so that the mirrored surface is just covered. The charged counting chamber is then placed on the microscope stage and the counting grid is brought into focus at low power.

It is essential to be extremely careful with higher power objectives, since the counting chamber is much thicker than a conventional slide. The chamber or an objective lens may be damaged if the user is not not careful. One entire grid on standard hemacytometers with Neubauer rulings can be seen at 40x (4x objective). The main divisions separate the grid into 9 large squares (like a tic-tac-toe grid). Each square has a surface area of one square mm, and the depth of the chamber is 0.1 mm. Thus the entire counting grid lies under a volume of 0.9 mm-cubed.

Suspensions should be dilute enough so that the cells or other particles do not overlap each other on the grid, and should be uniformly distributed. To perform the count, determine the magnification needed to recognize the desired cell type. Now systematically count the cells in selected squares so that the total count is 100 cells or so (number of cells needed for a statistically significant count). For large cells this may mean counting the four large corner squares and the middle one. For a dense suspension of small cells you may wish to count the cells in the four 1/25 sq. mm corners plus the middle square in the central square. Always decide on a specific counting patter to avoid bias. For cells that overlap a ruling, count a cell as "in" if it overlaps the top or right ruling, and "out" if it overlaps the bottom or left ruling.

Here is a way to determine a particle count using a Neubauer hemocytometer. Suppose that you conduct a count as described above, and count 187 particles in the five small squares described. Each square has an area of 1/25 mm-squared (that is, 0.04 mm-squared) and depth of 0.1 mm. The total volume in each square is (0.04)x(0.1) = 0.004 mm-cubed. You have five squares with combined volume of 5x(0.004) = 0.02 mm-cubed. Thus you counted 187 particles in a volume of 0.02 mm-cubed, giving you 187/(0.02) = 9350 particles per mm-cubed. There are 1000 cubic millimeters in one cubic centimeter (same as a milliliter), so your particle count is 9,350,000 per ml.

Cells are often large enough to require counting over a larger surface area. For example, you might count the total number of cells in the four large corner squares plus the middle combined. Each square has surface area of 1 mm-squared and a depth of 0.1 mm, giving it a volume of 0.1 mm-cubed. Suppose that you counted 125 cells (total) in the five squares. You then have 125 cells per 0.5 mm-cubed, which is 250 cells/mm-cubed. Again, multiply by 1000 to determine cell count per ml (250,000).

Sometimes you will need to dilute a cell suspension to get the cell density low enough for counting. In that case you will need to multiply your final count by the dilution factor. For example, suppose that for counting you had to dilute a suspension of Chlamydomonas 10 fold. Suppose you obtained a final count of 250,000 cells/ml as described above. Then the count in the original (undiluted) suspension is 10 x 250,000 which is 2,500,000 cells/ml.

Conclusion :

As the conclusion, size of the cell can be measure and the number of cell can be count by using a microscope. Size of cell that was viewed under two lens magnification for the ocular micrometer, first magnification is 40 x 10 magnification and the size is 2 divison with length of 5µm, and for 100 x 10 magnification the size is 5 division with length of 5µm also. For number of cell was counted by the Neubauer Chamber, the number of cells that obtained was 8.95 x 106 cells/ml

References :

  •          S. Harisha (2006). An Introduction To Practical Biotechnology (First Edition). Publish by Laxmi      Publications (P) LTD. 22, Golden House, Daryaganj, New Delhi-110002.
  •          P.D. Sharma (2007). Microbiology, 6th Reprint (Second Edition). Publised by Rakesh Kumar Rastogi for Rastogi Publications, Gangotri Shivaji Road, Meerut-250 002, New Delhi, India.
  • Created by David R. Caprette, (Rice University 11 May 00 Updated 19 Jan 07

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